Sunday, June 8, 2008

We Have a New Cousin

Introducing our newest family member on Shawn's Side of the family. This is Breanna's Baby named Aubrey Lynn, she weighs 8 lbs. 3 oz., 20 inches long and was born on 6/6/08 @ 11:43 pm or something like that. She is so "adorable" as her mommy always says.

This is a picture of the two of them still in the hospital hours from coming home. Breanna looks really good.

Here is a picture of her when I took her for her 1st photo session with her new cousin, "Me".
And here is Shawn and I with the new bundle of joy, as you can tell we were very happy to see Aubrey Lynn and Breanna. I really like this picture, we look very excited!!
Here is another picture of her she is a really cute baby and she is only 2 days old in these pictures.
Here is Grandma Diane, she is so proud to be a 1st time Grandma, what a sweet picture. It was so sweet after she kissed her she had lipstick marks on her cheek. Shawn didn't really know what to do with Aubrey, lets just say he didn't hold her too long, doesn't he look kinda stiff!!!!
And her eyes are brown just like my her mommy.
Her hair is brown too what do you know just like her mommy!!
What a proud mommy.
Uncle Josh is so sweet with her he is a great uncle, he is so happy to have a niece.

Here is Grandma Diane again.
Shawn and his 2 cousins, I told them they look like a gay couple and that is why Shawn is laughing.
Congratulations Breanna for the new baby!!! Its a Girl!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Before, During, & During Weight Loss

Here is a picture of Shawn and I when we were in China, this picture really shows how overweight I really was, I look at this picture and cringe. The date of this picture was Novemeber 2007, I officially started my diet and excercise routine January 11th 2008.

The next picture was taken by my sister Jolin on Valentines day it was a month after dieting alone, I did not start an excercise regimen yet. I don't see really any difference between the two but I did loose about 7 pounds.

This picture is the most recent picture which was taken May 25th 2008 I have lost a total of 25 pounds. I started my excercise routine on march 3rd 2008. I go to the Gym and I do Spin, Body pump and Bikram Yoga. I just introduced to Bikram Yoga and I am loving it. I can totally feel a huge difference in my body, it is an amazing yoga.

These have nothing to do with weight lose, but I just wanted to show some pictures of toilets that we saw in china. It was quite fun to squat while you pee and poo. Sorry about the yellow stuff in the toilet. This was taken by my father in law Ralph, who amazing dropped his camera in this same toilet right after he took this photo. Yes he did retrieve it obviously because we have this picture.

This was a community bathroom in a housing complex which is shared by 4 or 5 neighbors. Interesting huh, it reminded me of an out house because literally you would have to go outside your house to go to the bathroom. Here is a good picture of Shawn and I, taken by Jolin Mahoney.