Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Little Desert Garden

Ok so this is the 1st year we actually have a real garden, we have been married for almost 9 years and we finally got a garden started. We had to build a fence so our fur babies would not get in the garden. We first put up a plastic fence. But carlie just went right under the fence and got in and started eating our plants. So we inturn had to put up a metal more sturdier fence that we barried 6 inches under ground so carlie (the little dog) would not go under it.
Ha Ha the force stikes back....

Im inside the garden neener neener they can't come in...

She is such a cutie, we love her....

Ok so we got some corn growing.

This is a corn plant, basil, stevia (carlie really likes this one becuase it is a natural sugar plant), and thyme.
We got these from the neighbor, which are hot pepper plants (shawn is happy).

These are artichokes... They are growing good.....

Lemon Basil...

My most favorite part of the garden is my tomato plants, yes mine because shawn doesn't like tomatoes. They are so yummy and are doing wonderful. There are 3 plants in there.

And this is what is growin right now on one of the tomato plants... The tomato is so sweet and juicy... Yummmm

We have alot of herbs, we like herbs... good stuff this is spicy globe basil.

We got 7 cucumber plants from Uncle Dale.... Yeah more to our garden... : ) They are doing wonderful as well.

Ok so we have so much aloe vera, if anyone wants any let me know... Its growing everywhere preety much in our backyard.

This is more Basil, Sage and another corn plant.

More corn and more herbs.....

Chives anyone?

Banana Pepper plant... It has a huge one growing already see pic below.....

This just sprung up over night practically.... hmm I wonder when I should pick it? I will have to invesitgate that.

More babies to put in the garden in the future. For now they are in our sun room..... Thats all for now folks.....

My 1st attempts with Sourdough Starter

Ok so I guess i am on a food kick..... 1st food storage, then sourdough, then next will be my desert garden. It all comes down to food.....

Ok about 2 weeks ago I tried to start a starter for sourdough bread making.... For those of you who don't know what starter is, its basically the natural yeast sour part of making the bread dough. Shawn and I love sourdough bread so I wanted to see if I could possibly try to make the starter.... I looked it up on you tube and it seemed quite simple. For those of you who would like to try it here is a link to where I got my information from.

This picture was taken today of my 1st attempt at the sourdough starter... This starter didn't work..... Yes Im sad... I didn't quite follow the instructions the first time, misread it..... Ok so 1st attempt was a bust.

This is how we know the 1st attempt was a bust... This is a loaf of bread that didn't rise. Ha ha yes we still tried it and it like a sourdough cookie bread, but not sweet. Shawn likes to toast it and put butter on and he says its quite good.
Ok so here is my 2nd attempt which looks much better. I started this one yesterday and this is what it looked like 24 hrs later... Yeah I got some growth in there. I fed it today and we will see if I do it correctly this time around. Heres hoping.....

Our Food Storage Journey

So Shawn and I have always discussed having food storage. But have never got around to doing it. I wanted to make a closet that I have in my hallway my foodstorage so slowly I am converting it over... The other stuff that fills this closet is my craft closet (crap closet - As shawn would say... lol). I am slowly moving my craft stuff to another room in the house. So, so far we have 30 lbs of Rice, 25 lbs of unbleached flour, 10 lbs beans, 20 cans or so of wheat (thanks Judee), 4 bottles of ketchup, 3 bottles of hot sauce (for those of you who know shawn, yes it is a must to have hot sauce at practically every meal), a flat of corn and a flat of green beans, a gallon of apple Juice, (2) 72 hour kits, and some misc stuff. Not bad that would last us a bit of time. But I am still adding to it each time we go to the store. Hooray..... Now I have to fill up our water bottles and get them in the food storage too..... But we always have 50 gallons in the hot water heater, if the water ever gets shut off, didn't realize that did ya?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Temple Date Night

Shawn and I are having our date night on Fridays.... well once again, its pretty much everynight because we have no kids.... Neener Neener.... LOL Hopefully time will change that.... : )

We went to dinner at Tofu Hut and took a couple snapshots..... I was holding my big camera with one hand while shawn pushed the button with the other..... What team effort huh.......
Thats squid... Yes you actually cook that on the grills and eat it.... Its actually a pretty fun place to eat at... You cook your own meat on the bbq grill in front of you.

Fancy that, a noodle hanging out of his mouth?

We then went to the temple and I got a close up of Angel Moroni.

A pretty flower on temple grounds.... didn't notice the bug on the upper part of the flower unitl I put it through photoshop.... How unique....

While we were there we read the scriptures and shawn brought along his work headlight.. We call it his Jock Strap.....

Here he is reading away with the jock strap.....

The Las Vegas Temple
Picture taken at night.... Love the street light burst on Angel Moroni.......
I want to take a pic each time we go there... just to see how differently I can take a pic of the temple... So this is pic one of many.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Day In the Life of Shawn Christopher Kleemeyer

As if I was a little child, I was able to go to work with Mr. Kleemeyer. I stepped foot into his big work truck and I truly felt like a child going to work for the first time with there father. As I sat in his work truck he was telling me all kinds of stories about plumbing... I brought along my camera so I could practice some new features that I learnt on my camera. As I was pushing the button, I realized that I could do a blurb about Shawn.
So here it is: (Warning may get a little sappy and Churchy)

Shawn business Card.
Ohhh we got a call.... Yeah work.

My cutie Pie....

On the Road a view of the strip from the 215.... through the windshield - notice the glare.

New York New York

Shawn writing the bill for the customers... Intently thinking...

I love this picture, don't know why, but I do.
In the past 2 months Shawn and I have grown closer together. He is truly becoming my dream come true... 2 months ago he decided on his own, and not at my pressure. To stop the things that this world has to offer... He first stopped smoking, then he stopped drinking. He has even been a better influence to me, than I am to him. We started to go back to church and we are now praying as a little family. We have started to read the scriptures and we are actually understanding it.... Shawn Is on 2 Nephi in the Book of Mormon and he has done this all on his own... This morning he got up as usual and made his cup of coffee and he came into the room and said, does this coffee taste like soap? I took a sip and said No, and he said well it looks like the Holy Ghost is telling me to quite drinking coffee too.... Wow I am so impressed with him that I have to tell everyone... He is truly becoming my dream come true of a husband. He has loved me more the past two months than any other time in our lives... And that's alot.... So this blurb is in Honor of him.....
My Dream Come True
On the same day as I went with him to work, we decided to go on a field trip to Nelson, NV..... We had never been there and I heard it was a really cool place to visit. Here are some outtakes of Nelson, NV.

While we were driving I saw this little guy on the road... So we stopped to take a look... I didn't want him to get ran over by cars so we put him safely where he couldn't get hit....

On the way home I took a pic of the church on Mission... The sun was setting and it was perfect lighting and this was taken while the car was in motion. Through the front windshield.