Tuesday, August 26, 2008

California With The Stulce Nieces

We took the girls (Bethany, Emily and Amber) to California, yes it was just Shawn and I with the girls. We actually had alot of fun times together, the girls behaved very well, in my opinion. I have a funny story to tell. We had to go to the wedding one of the day/nights we were in california and we were trying to find someone to watch the girls while we were at the wedding. Matthew, Shawn's brother, new a neighbor girl who was 16 and she had done several baby sitting jobs before, so Matthew called her up to see if she was available to watch the girls. We called her 2 days before the wedding. So it wasn't really last minute. So while matthew was talking to her, he was asking her how much she would charge, and telling her it was going to be about 6-8 hours. The 16 year old didn't tell matthew how much she charged, so she handed the phone over to her dad. So Matthew was talking to the dad for a while, but there was no response about how much they would charge. So the phone was handed over to me and I spoke to the 16 year old. Now when I was 16 I would charge a dollar a kid per hour. Now I know times have changed since then and this was in simi valley, I was willing to pay more. But I wanted to see how much she charged. So she started to say, well last time I watched 3 boys and they were around 13 years old. I charged $20.oo an hour. *&^%%$#@!# WHAT!!! So I said to her I don't even get paid that much at my job. So she was like, so do want to give me a call back? Ok end of that conversation. So guess what shawn's new Job is? Babysitting!!!!
We ransack Ralphs yard and picked oranges. The girls got to pick there own oranges. They ate them up peel and all. Yummy. Bethany got the biggest orange of them all. As you can tell its the size of her head. Well almost!!
At the beach, Amber was coming in on a wave while I was taking this photo of Emily.
Bethany!! Yep she officially is a teenager now, she has zits!!
So this was the babysitter, and the guy in the photo is the owner, his name is Craig. They had a fun time with the babysitter shall I say.
Ok so I edited this picture a little, but it was an amazing sunset. This was on the drive to california, and I took this picture in the car.
Emily, I did the girls hair all the same when we went to Raging Waters, so there hair didn't get messy. Cute huh. I didn't get any pics at Raging Waters, because of course I didn't want to get the camera wet.
Amber buried in the sand. Also bethany put boobies on her, can you tell. He He
Emily is very photogenic, she loved to get her picture taken, and I didn't mind taking her picture.
See how huge that orange is. Its gi-normous!!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

That looks like so much fun, makes me want to be a teenager again so I can go with Auntie for some fun.